Reviews, breakdowns, information and insights to competitive shooting matches and other shooting events
- What is the Legion Team Sniper Challenge?The inaugural Legion Team Sniper Challenge was held at the 5th Special Forces Group range complex on Fort Campbell. This invite-only event was the brainchild of two friends of mine, Adam Burt and Matt Masterson. Adam has been around the ...
- 10 Tips to Help Prepare for the Mammoth Sniper ChallengeThe Mammoth Sniper Challenge is a tough shooting match, requiring shooters to carry everything with them across 30+ miles and live out of a backpack for the duration of the match. Here are 10 tips that I’ve learned along the ...
- AAR: 2021 Guardian Team Match at GTIThere are a lot of rifle competitions these days, but one special organization hosts rifle events with a purpose. Guardian Long Range matches are run by a non-profit organization that raises funds and awareness for the benefit of foster and ...
- Dealing With My Dumpster Fire: 2021 Legion 9/11 Memorial Run n GunIf you put some effort into your competitive shooting, you’ll prepare for days, weeks or even months for a match. You might spend some money on gear, spend hours dry-firing and burn precious ammo practicing. You eat right, hydrate and ...
- What is the NRL Hunter Series?With the NRL Hunter Grand Slam just wrapping up, we are going to explain a little bit about this exciting new shooting sport. Intro The NRL Hunter series is the brainchild of Scott Satterlee. In 2020, the Hornady Precision Hunter Steel Challenge ...
- AAR: 2021 River Bend Gun Club Run n Gun 5KAfter taking a year off due to COVID, the River Bend Gun Club (RBGC) Run n Gun was back for 2021. As a little history, this was the first RnG match I ever attended (read about 2018 match here), so ...
- AAR: 2021 Mammoth Sniper ChallengeA complete after-action-review (AAR) of the 2021 Mammoth Sniper Challenge, including information on stages, rucking and more!
- Load Out: 2021 Mammoth Sniper ChallengeMy guns, gear and other stuff that went 30+ miles at the 2021 Mammoth Sniper Challenge.
- 2020 Wrap-UpA lot can and will be said about 2020. However, 2020 was a successful year on the range for me. Competitively, I was fortunate to attend a half dozen team matches, several run-n-gun events, a few PRS competitions and a ...
- AAR: Zombie Run For Your Life Run-n-Gun 10k Team MatchThe 2020 edition of the Zombie Run For Your Life Run-n-Gun 10k event was recently held at the Lucas Cattle Ranch (same people as Lucas Oil) outside Cross Timbers, MO. This event had previously been held as an individual match ...